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A pre-season competition will take place in Sweden to give Swedish riders practice before the Elit Speedway Sverige starts (hopefully!) on 1 June.

The Garageportexperten Cup will consist of four matches starting next week, 5 May, the day the Bauhaus Liga was supposed to start and will include riders from four of the teams due to take part Sweden’s top league – Kumla, Västervik, Eskilstuna and Gislaved. Whilst Indianerna and Smederna will meet a third team made up of riders from both Västervik and Lejonen.

The Cup will be a three-team competition with a different format and scoring system than usual. There will be 21 heats with the first rider scoring 2 pts, second 1 pts and the third team home taking 0 points. Each rider will race four heats a piece.

Whilst the current restrictions means no fans will be allowed at the venues, the matches will be shown on Sweden’s Sportkanelen owned by C More where the Bauhaus League will also be shown.

Gislaved/ Västervik and Kumla have already announced their team for the first match:

Mattias Thörnblom LEJ (pictured)

Linus Eklöf LEJ

Linus Sundström WSSK

Anton Karlsson WSSK

Casper Henriksson LEJ

Noel Wahlqvist WSSK


Ludvig Lindgren

Jonathan Grahn

Joel Andersson

Christoffer Selvin

Gustav Grahn

Ludvig Selvin

Smederna’s probable team will include the club’s Swedish signings:

Pontus Aspgren

Joel Kling

William Bäckström

Johannes Stark

Max Belsing

Alexander Sundqvist

Date, Venue, Time

4 May, Gislaved, 20.00 hrs
11 May , Eskilstuna, 18.00 hrs
18 May, Västervik, 20.00 hrs
25 May, Kumla, 19.00 hrs