fot. Sebastian Daukszewicz
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We already know the composition of Polonia Piła team for the 2022 season. On Monday, the riders who will be rebuilding the speedway in this well-deserved center were officially presented.

We have already informed about the acquisition of Lukas Fienhage and Broc Nicol, and the foreign group will also be created by Thomas Jonasson and Max Dilger. On the other hand, Polish seniors in Polonia will be Artur Mroczka, Lars Skupień, Tomasz Orwat and Marcin Jędrzejewski, while the youth formation will most likely be supported by riders on loan or starting in Piła as a guest.

The activists from Piła hope that with these riders it will be possible to successfully return to the speedway tracks and slowly rebuild the Piła speedway. Officially, the start of Polonia Piła will be announced any day, which means that eight teams will most likely compete in the 2nd Speedway League next season – Kolejarz Rawicz, Kolejarz Opole, Stal Rzeszów, PSŻ Poznań, Wolfe Wittstock, Lokomotiv Daugavpils, Unia Tarnów and Polonia Piła.

Sebastian Sirek